Sunday, 30 September 2018

Book Review: Another Woman's Husband - Gill Paul

Well, this was another great novel by Gill Paul. I read this book in 24 hours, that's how hooked I was.

This is the story of two women that have deeply affected the course of the English Monarchy.
From one hand we have Wallis Simpson, a divorcee that captured the English prince's (and then king) heart; on the other hand there's Princess Diana, whose death is still a mystery.

I knew about Lady D., even if at the time of her death I was too young, I watched documentaries, I watched movies and heard all about it.
What I didn't know, it was Wallis Simpson. Yes, I knew who she was - those English history classes actually paid off - but I didn't know anything else about her. It was such an insight!
I even bough another biography about her because I was so fascinated after reading this novel and I want to find out even more.

What Gill Paul has written, is a novel based on the truth. Like all historical fiction, there are some true facts and some others are made up.
The story goes back and forth from the "becoming" of Wallis to the accident of Lady D. and the inconclusive (might I add) search of the truth. The author has great knowledge about every historic period she writes, and this is an enormous bonus in her books.

The book was well written and intriguing. I am a big fan of historical fiction books because I always learn something new. I am very looking forward to read Paul's new novel coming out in October!

Ciao Ciao 
